Daily Archives: January 4, 2011

Textcast: Post Christmas Break Edition

Hi there my friends it has been FAR too long!
I hope everyone had a great Holiday and got lots of good stuff and ate some good grub…I know I got a ton of awesome things and I can’t thank my friends and family enough for them.
So lets get right to the big news, I have a gig coming up!
I will be appearing at Kotoricon in New Jersey on January 15th! It will be my first ever convention panel, for those who have never been to a con, a Panel is usually an open-ended discussion or seminar on a topic which is somehow related to the theme of the con.
Basically I will be up in front of a gaggle of people and telling them about this Wonderful World of Synergy we have here!
I will basically run through what Synergy is all about how I got here, what inspires me, and how to go about getting a comic from idea to paper.
It should be a great show! It is at Gloucester County College  and starts on January 14th with an evening Smash Bros. tournament and will open bright and early January 15th.
All the info can be found at anime.gccnj.edu


My Panel “John Still Synergetic Comic” starts at 4:30PM on the 15th and will be in the College Center, Room 210.
I have started to work on some new Postcards for the event as well…I wanted something single sided so I could do sketches for people on the back but I wanted to showcase some of my favorite pieces as well so I came up with this one…
I made it look like flat images laid out on a table or something I think it turned out pretty nice…we’ll see!
Anyway thats it for me for now I dont have much time to hype up this Panel so expect a huge hype entry next week and in the mean time I will turn into Sir Spam-a-Lot on facebook!
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